Tim Morrison.

Tim is a renowned Australian, and internationally acclaimed multi-instrumentalist, looping artist, ceremonialist, trauma-informed facilitator, and the visionary behind SPIRITUS Breathwork + Somatic Healing.


Tim guides transformative journeys through breath, sound, and movement.

Empowering individuals to access innate wisdom, unleash inner power and receive healing through accessing altered states of consciousness. Through his workshops, trainings, immersions and retreats, Tim leads us towards liberation, freedom, and deep soul connection.


Soul Flight Ceremony

A 3 hour Shamanic Immersion journeying with Ceremonial Cacao, Restorative Breath and Sacred Sounds. Soul flight is a transformational sound journey. A deeply meditative, nurturing and nourishing journey. 

This 3 hour ceremony is a journey inwards to explore the truth of who you are, to receive guidance, nourishment and soul activations. 

Multi instrumentalist Tim Morrison Live Loops  Sacred sounds with an array of world instruments and his voice to take you on a deep Shamanic sound journey. Lie back, relax and let the sounds take you on a deep journey inward.

Tim guides you through ceremonial cacao, breath and sounds into this gentle heart expanding ceremony guiding you to receive, relax, heal, soften, activate and remember.


The creation of SPIRITUS has grown into a world class facilitation training, enabling students all around the world to learn Tim's method to facilitate breathwork in a safe, Sacred and trauma informed way.

The SPIRITUS method is spreading all over the world and creating huge waves of change and impact with it. We know what it takes to truly embody this work and are so proud of each of our facilitators that complete the certification process to carry this vision and share it with their community.

Breath Of Change: : Tim Morrison’s Healing Odyssey and His Leap to the U.S.”

The Australian Roots: Building a Foundation of Healing and Growth

Tim Morrison’s story unfolds in Australia, a land where he recognized the dire need for effective mental health solutions. Embracing the ancient practices of breathwork and sound healing, he embarked on a mission to tackle modern mental health issues. His methodology, grounded in the body’s intrinsic healing abilities, quickly resonated with a society seeking meaningful wellness intervention.


  • “I completed Level 1 Spiritus training around 2 years ago and am coming up to the end of Level 2 training now. I can honestly say that Level 1 completely changed my life. Not only enabling me to start my breathwork business and confidently work with clients but also because of the personal journey of healing and embodiment that Tim and this training takes you on. I was excited for Level 2 skills and knowledge but I was unsure if I could personally go much deeper with my own transformation. Happy to say I was very wrong. Tim takes you SO much deeper than I had ever thought possible for myself as well as giving an awesome up-leveling of skill and knowledge to apply to my business and clients. Easily the greatest investment I have ever made in myself! When can I apply for level 3?!”

    Ben Taylor

  • “I had the most amazing 3 hour journey last night with Tim, Sammi and a bunch of consciously open beings. It was soothing for the soul and to share a space as a collective to raise vibration was magical. Tim and Sammi hold such a beautiful space. I would recommend you do this for you!! The breath work, cacao ceremony and the sound of healing really leaves you in total bliss. Thank you so much guys. You are both love and light.”

    Michelle Guihot

  • “Thank you. I am really enjoying the content, the support and the live sessions that I can get. So powerful and beautifully done. I’ve taken several different courses over the years and I can’t;t tell you enough times how well done this training is. I am gaining so much confidence in myself and removing blockages at the same time as I am digesting everything. I am sure you have heard this from others. It’s really next level.”

    Marlo Brausee, Spiritus Breathwork Training

Want more?

You can immerse in Tim’s wisdom anytime with his Podcast

A place where you will find Tim sharing deep and meaningful conversations about life. A podcast that will open your eyes to life with inspiring and healing conversations.


Join one of Tim’s transformational events and feel the shift for yourself.